Explore our services and learn how we can help you or your loved one achieve a bright future.
Need Reliable, Qualified Employees?
SES is a great resource for local employers seeking to hire reliable, qualified employees to join their workforce.

Supports for Living Independently
Supports are provided on an individualized basis. This can include housekeeping assistance, grocery shopping, paying bills, managing your budget, assistance with medical appointments, and more!

Finding A Job
Whether your employment journey starts with volunteer work or a paid job in the community, we are there every step of the way.

We Empower
Individuals with developmental disabilities to reach their full potential. Focusing on providing comprehensive support and resources to help our customers lead fulfilling lives.
We Believe
That everyone deserves equal opportunities in the workforce, and that’s why we offer job placement services to help our customers find competitive and meaningful employment. Our experienced team provides personalized on-the-job training support to help ensure our customers’ success in their chosen careers.
We Promote Independence
Is a vital step towards self-sufficiency, and we are committed to helping our customers achieve this goal. Our support services are designed to empower individuals with developmental disabilities to manage their daily lives, build meaningful relationships, and lead fulfilling lives.
We Are Dedicated
To providing the highest level of support and care to our customers. Our knowledgeable and compassionate staff are here to help with every step of the journey.
It is our philosophy that all people, regardless of their abilities, can participate fully in their communities and enjoy all of the variety and richness that life has to offer.
Our mission is to secure paid jobs, teach life skills, facilitate independence for people with disabilities, and interdependence with their communities.
SES recognizes and believes:
- In the value inherent in work and its impact upon the quality of life one achieves through participation in meaningful, productive labor.
- That people with disabilities who want to work, should have an equal opportunity to work in paid jobs in the community.
- That people with disabilities must have access to a variety of support services that foster interdependence with, and membership in, the whole community.
- That people with disabilities have the right to fully participate in activities of their choice concerning work and living situations.
About SES, Inc:
Supported Employment Services, Inc. was established in 1991 by founder, Kathy Snyder. Ms. Snyder studied under some of the pioneers of Supported Employment and vocational services for people who experience developmental disabilities at the University of Oregon throughout her undergraduate studies. After graduating she worked in the field for several years in various capacities.
Mrs. Snyder recognized the need for more providers of Supported Employment Services in our community. She established SES, Inc. as a for-profit agency out of her home. For the past 30 years, under Mrs. Snyder’s guidance, SES has become the well-recognized, preferred agency in Lane County. At the request of the County, SES expanded to include Supported Living Services in 2009. Upon Mrs. Snyder’s death in 2019, Kelly Graves, who has worked at SES in several different roles since the age of 15, assumed the title of President.
SES, Inc. endeavors to provide individualized, quality services to our customers with a focus on true community integration and maximizing independence.
Careers at SES
As a local company, we’re always looking to hire outstanding individuals that embrace the SES mission and commit to providing the very best customer service.
Supported Employment Services, Inc. is certified by the State of Oregon, Vocational Rehabilitation Division, Department of Human Services and Oregon Commission for the Blind to provide vocational services to people with disabilities. We comply with the mandates of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.