Employment Services
Fact Sheet in Spanish – Hoja informativa en español
Employment Services are available to people with disabilities with who need assistance to identify their work skills and abilities, locate employment, and learn a job. SES also teaches the skills required to retain the jobs. Job Developers are knowledgeable and connected to the local labor market and trends, which allows us to match employee needs with those of the employer. SES, Inc earns its reputation . . . We put people to work.
The following videos describe each step of the process of employment and how it would work if SES was providing that service.
About Job Development
The SES approach:
1st step – Job Development
Customers are referred through Vocational Rehabilitation for Job Placement Services. Job Developers will work to get to know you, your skills, abilities, and interests to identify an appropriate job match for you. To aid in this process SES may use Job Seekers meetings, career counseling, specific target vocational assessments, working interviews, and other activities to enable us to find you the best job match. You will meet regularly with the Job Development team as you are the leader of your job search and will be driving this process forward.
Once a position has been identified that matches your vocational goals you will have the opportunity to decide if it is a job that you would like to pursue. If so, we will arrange an interview and practice your interview skills so you’re prepared to land the job. Job Developers will accompany you to your interview so you have all the support you need to confidently move through the process. After the interview, SES will provide you the opportunity to debrief and decide if you want the job. If the job is offered to you, the Job Development team will coordinate with the employer to assist in hiring paperwork, new employee onboarding, and orientation. Job Developers will then work alongside the Job Coaching team to develop a training plan for you as you begin job coaching services.
About Job Coaching
The SES approach:
2nd step – Job Coaching
Congratulations!!! You’ve landed a new job and are ready to begin Job Coaching services. This is an exciting time in your career development. You can expect to meet many new people, including your supervisor, co-workers, and of course, your Job Coaching team.
Job Developers will help you transition through this phase and be there to support you as you get to know your Job Coach. You will meet your coach before you start working to get to know each other and to outline the plan for your first few weeks of working. Job Coaches will come to work with you to help you learn your position and understand what your new employer expects of you. They are there not to do your job for you, but to help you find ways to do your job to the best of your ability.
Your Job Coach will work with you for as long as you need to learn the tasks associated with your job and will slowly fade support as you master your role. The goal of Job Coaching is to fade support over time so that you can work independently! For some people, that may happen pretty quickly, and for others, it takes more time. Every employee works differently and needs different kinds of support. That is why Job Coaching services are tailored to your unique support needs and are guided by you.
3rd step- Ongoing Supported Employment
At this stage you have been working in your position for a while and are pretty comfortable doing your job. You most likely don’t need as much support anymore because you’ve already learned so much and mastered many new skills. It’s time for your Job Coach to take a step back and let you lead the way. Your Job Coaching team is still there for you and will be frequently checking in to make sure that things continue to run smoothly.
SES is committed to supporting you and your employer for as long as you decide to maintain your employment. Long term supports are important to assist in problem solve issues/situations that may occur in the work environment overtime. You can expect weekly check-ins with you and your employer, support during any performance reviews, increased support if you take on new tasks, or even if you expand your hours and need a little extra help. Supported Employment is designed to help you be successful and work as independently as possible, and SES will be with you as you navigate your career path. Remember, this journey starts and ends with you!
About Employment Path
The SES approach:
Employment Path
Employment Path portion is under development
Video source and more language options at The Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS)
Please contact your Brokerage Personal Agent or Lane County Developmental Disabilities Service Coordinator to get a referral for job placement services.