Your source for qualified, reliable employees. Just ask our community partners:
Why hire through SES?
Supported Employment Services is a consistent resource for finding qualified, dependable workers. We provide individualized and comprehensive training by experienced staff to facilitate learning job skills, safety techniques, and the culture of your company leading to long-term job retention. We then reinforce this training with ongoing supported employment for both you and our customer. Working with us can reduce costs in recruiting and training as well as reduce turnover.
Whatever your needs might be, we have trained professionals to match the right person to the job opening that you need filled. What you stand to gain as an employer is a loyal, reliable, and safe worker. We will honestly evaluate our customer's skills and abilities to make sure it's the perfect match for your business. You need good employees, and we've got them.
"Employment First!"
Who to Contact
If you would like more information on how Supported Employment Services, Inc. can help you meet your employment needs or have any questions please contact:
If you are in Lane County . . .
Ryan Southworth - Placement Services Manager
(541) 687-0687